Sleep Dallas Blog
Can’t Focus? Learn Why Sleep Apnea Treatment is Important When Living with ADHD
January 7, 2025

If you or your child suffer from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you know how difficult it can be to focus. Combine the symptoms of ADHD with sleep apnea, and the continuous cycle of fatigue can lead to additional problems at school, work, and within social and professional gatherings. But living with this current situation doesn’t have to be a long-term reality. Instead, with the help of a trusted sleep dentist, you or your loved one can take back control of your life once and for all. Keep reading to discover the benefits of sleep apnea treatment, especially as it pertains to ADHD.
(more…)How Does Living with Sleep Apnea Affect Those with Type 2 Diabetes?
October 17, 2024

When it comes to sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes, it is often a debate as to which one causes the other. Similar to the age-old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, the only certainty is that living with both conditions can feel like a no-win situation.
However, seeing a sleep dentist can be highly effective in addressing symptoms of chronic fatigue – a factor that can have a significant role in managing your type 2 diabetes. Keep reading to learn about the connection between the two and why sleep apnea treatment can be a helpful step in the right direction.
(more…)CBD and Sleep Apnea: Can It Help Improve Your Sleep?
August 8, 2024

If you have been living with sleep apnea for a while, you may be wondering if there is anything that can help alleviate your symptoms and help you get the rest you need. While countless lifestyle changes can be helpful to incorporate, some people are now recommending CBD oil. Is it safe to use? Is it effective? Read on to find out what CBD can do when it comes to sleep apnea and why you should consider visiting a sleep dentist for effective treatment.
(more…)Goodbye, Good Night: A Fictional Sleep Mystery by Dr. Kent Smith
October 19, 2022

If fiction is what you prefer when choosing your next book, you won’t want to miss the newest sleep mystery by Dr. Kent Smith titled, “Goodbye, Good Night.” With a focus on the complications and dangers of insomnia affecting those over the age of 50, and the seemingly formidable deaths occurring daily, this suspenseful thriller will keep readers engaged and eager to learn the source before time is up. Read on to learn more about his new book.
(more…)Establishing a Nightly Bedtime Routine
July 8, 2022

Regardless of the time of year, maintaining a consistent bedtime routine optimizes not only your mental health but physical health as well.
While the summer months extend our days and winter brings longer nights, a well-maintained sleep-wake cycle will ensure we’re receiving the full amount of rest no matter how long or short each day. Without it, we run the risk of developing a plethora of health conditions, from high cholesterol to diabetes or exacerbating mental health ailments to disrupting our immune system’s ability to do its job (read the connection between COVID-19 and sleep disorders). For many, especially people already impacted by a sleep disorder, establishing and maintaining a sleep routine can be challenging. Here’s how the experts recommend getting starting and making your routine a habit:
(more…)8 Rules to Follow To Improve Sleep Health
June 30, 2022

Approximately 70 million people in the United States suffer from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders can stem from a variety of places: mental illness, body anatomy, health conditions, and living environment, just to name a few. Regardless of the source, managing a sleep disorder is essential to regaining control over one’s rest and overall health.
While some sleep disorders do take professional intervention to treat, there are a handful of measures people can take to improve their rest. Here are eight of those measures that sleep doctors recommend everyone make a part of their sleep routine:
(more…)Why Sleep Studies are Important
June 1, 2022

Did you know that sleep studies can be conducted at home? While some still imagine the uncomfortable process of laying in a doctor’s office or lab overnight, this is simply no longer the only option. Now, you can complete a sleep study in the comfort of your own home, in your own bed. Home sleep studies can effectively diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and, potentially, save a life from this harmful disease.
(more…)What Insomnia Has to Do With the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 6, 2022

Two years ago, the world experienced the start of a global pandemic that affected every industry and every facet of our lives. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still ongoing with many people altered by the stress and trauma of these events.
Have you experienced declining sleep health since the onset of the pandemic? In 2020, researchers began working to understand how this global event has altered the human psyche. Now, continuing research has revealed to us a concerning connection to sleep disorders, like insomnia.
(more…)Patient Story: Oscar Cano
April 21, 2022

Like many others who find their way through Sleep Dallas’ doors, Oscar Cano found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having gone through three CPAPs, Oscar still could not find relief: “I never could sleep with [CPAPs], very cumbersome and didn’t like using them.”
Oscar didn’t believe he would ever find a successful therapy for his sleep apnea. A few years back, oral appliance therapy (OAT) had even been brought to his attention—but Oscar brushed it off, not wanting to sleep with a device in his mouth and worried it wouldn’t be covered by his medical insurance. Last year, that all changed.
(more…)Coronavirus Updates for Our Patients
March 21, 2022
March 2022 Update

In light of the most recent COVID-19 guideline updates for the Dallas-Forth Worth area, we have updated our mask policy for both of our office locations. We recommend all unvaccinated and high-risk visitors wear a mask in public spaces of our offices, but will no longer require mask-wearing. We encourage all of our patients and staff to continue to follow all CDC guidelines, including continuing to distance indoors where possible.
Your health & safety continues to be our priority. All public spaces are regularly disinfected and all Sleep Dallas staff members continue to take daily precautions. As always, if you experience any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or come into contact with an infected person, please reschedule.