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Patient Story: Oscar Cano

April 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brianna bloom @ 10:47 am
patient and doctor talking

Like many others who find their way through Sleep Dallas’ doors, Oscar Cano found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having gone through three CPAPs, Oscar still could not find relief: “I never could sleep with [CPAPs], very cumbersome and didn’t like using them.” 

Oscar didn’t believe he would ever find a successful therapy for his sleep apnea. A few years back, oral appliance therapy (OAT) had even been brought to his attention—but Oscar brushed it off, not wanting to sleep with a device in his mouth and worried it wouldn’t be covered by his medical insurance. Last year, that all changed.

Life with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

It’s estimated that 22 million people suffer from sleep apnea—Oscar found himself as one of those millions. His condition impacted the quality of his life, from work to his own personal health journey: “With sleep apnea, I was constantly so sleepy during the day. At work, I’d fall asleep between jobs.”

Having recently retired from working for a phone company, Oscar now works for the City of Rockwell doing landscaping and maintenance of parks. He’s outside all day long—not a place to be when you’re exhausted, struggling to find energy. And when not working, Oscar stays active with his church, attending mission trips to Haiti, Nigeria, and other countries without reliable electricity. Oscar’s quality of life depends on his ability to feel well-rested and travel when needed—and a CPAP wasn’t cutting it. So, Oscar did the only thing left he could do: he consulted with his general practitioner.

A Life-Changing Referral

“I told my doctor I was still snoring and he referred me to Sleep Dallas,” shared Oscar. For physicians aware of the dangers of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), referring their patients to a sleep physician and/or dental sleep medicine doctor can be the difference between life and death. While snoring is one of the more common symptoms of OSA that can range from mild to severe, the true danger lies in not receiving enough oxygen as you sleep, as well as, associated complications such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and worsening mental health. 

“I made an appointment and they were very professional, very helpful. Dr. Smith was very nice and very easy to talk to.” 

And those hesitations Oscar had about oral appliance therapy? After his general practitioner explained the benefits of the device and that it was most likely covered by his insurance, those reservations began to dissipate; and now, Oscar couldn’t be more pleased that he allowed himself to be open to learning more about a therapy that would go on to change his life.

“My only regret was only that I didn’t go to [Sleep Dallas] years ago because they have literally changed my life,” explained Oscar.

Once getting his appliance, Oscar shares that it came with some adjustments but has completely enhanced his quality of life. From being able to take the appliance on mission trips to finally having the energy to exercise multiple times a week, Oscar encourages others not to delay getting help: “I truly enjoy using [ my oral appliance]. It’s tiny and portable and easy to take care of. It has resolved my snoring and my wife is happy about it, for sure.”

The Sleep Dallas Touch

Nice. Informative. Professional. Those are the three words Oscar used to describe his experience with Sleep Dallas. Since finding relief with the help of Dr. Smith, Oscar tells anybody he comes across who also expresses frustration with their sleep apnea about Sleep Dallas and oral appliance therapy. He emphasizes the legitimacy of the treatment, and presses how life-changing it has been: “[The appliance] takes some getting used to but the staff are so good at answering questions and really made me feel comfortable. They’re very informative and I’m just so happy with the results.” 

Looking for sleep apnea treatment? Then, look no further. Sleep Dallas has been serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area for over two decades thanks to the leadership and expertise of Dr. Kent Smith. And now, our treatment doesn’t stop at sleep apnea. Experiencing insomnia, restless leg syndrome, or a general inability to receive quality sleep? Schedule your consultation today.

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